Getting to Know Your Rats

Believe it or not rats are not just cute and cuddly!

They have personalities just like us, each one is different in its own right. So this means to keep your fur babies happy you need to spend time with them and get to know them. You can do this by playing games with them, cuddling with them and teaching them tricks. Yes, that's right, your fur babies are capable of learning tricks. Things like coming to their name, switching off lights, bringing things to you etc. Some people do this using a clicker (the type they use to train dogs) I have never used one before, but I hear they are really good. I personally find that my fur babies will do just about anything for treats, and I find talking to them all the time helps them to learn also.

They love to play games like hide and seek, fishing peas out of a tub of water, tug a war and chase the hand etc. Some ratties will do this on their own and won't need to be shown but if not, go for it show them how it's done. For some tips and ideas on how to make your own toys and games Click Here

If you get home and find that your new little fur baby seems to be a bit scared and doesn't seem to want to be cuddled or play, don't worry just yet there are some things you can try to help things along. Like us rats can take a little time to warm up to other people/animals.

 A few things you can try to build trust are.... sit in front of the cage with the door open, don't put your hand in just yet just sit there for a little bit so he/she gets use to your smell. Then try putting some baby food/yogurt (something they can't grab and run off with) on a spoon and put it in the cage near him/her but not to close, just hold it so he/she gets use to your smell and a yummy treat. Over a few days slowly bring the spoon closer to you as he/she eats off it so that way he gets closer to you and gets more and more use to you. After a few days of doing this if he/she is happy to be near you and eat put one hand on the bottom of the cage and slowly bring the spoon of food over your hand so he/she has to stand on it to eat then move it up your arm till he/she is happy to sit on your shoulder.

Another thing you can try is using one of our snuggle sacks. Some rats are happy to be near you but don't like being handled, they feel insecure if their hind legs are not supported properly. The way around this is to get them to climb into the sack and give them some treats while they are in their, this way you can give them a scratch and get them use to hands without actually holding them and making them feel insecure. I have found these to be the most effective. Most of the rescues I get don't like being touched and take a while before they can trust people. I have found these ways to be the easiest for them and they soon see you as a treat factory. If they haven't started to warm up to you in 2 weeks of trying these methods, I wouldn't give up, but you may need to start looking at them as possible "look but don't touch pets". As they get older and have been with you for a while, they may still warm up to you and become your best friend.