Ratty Tutorials

Below you will find Ratty Tutorials for the following Ratty Items:

How to make a Breeding/Travel Cage

How to make a Travel Trolly

How to make cheap Toys and Play Ideas

How To make a Rat Wheel

How To Make a Breeding/Travel Cage

You will need:

- 55L Tub and or 15L Tub  $6.00 - $12.00
- 1cm x 1cm square wire mesh sheet or 13cm x 13cm hole roll of chicken wire $10.00 - $17.00
- Soldering Iron $8.00 - up
- Wire cutters $5.00
- Cable ties/bolts/wire $4.00 - $10.00
- Water

(prices may vary)

How To Make a Travel Trolly

So, say you want to go to a rat show, rat picnic, or a friends place, and if your anything like me, you have more fur babies then places to put them and you can never decide who you want to take with you.

Well, I have the answer to your problem 🙂 The Travel Trolley!
I have designed mine to hold 2 Picnic baskets, one for the girl ratties and one for the boy ratties 🙂

So, this is what you will need:
- 1 Trolley (it can be one you have laying around no longer being used or you can pick them up for $15-$20 at cheap shops)
- 1 Un-picker
- Fabric (the amount will depend on the size you want to make, I used 1.5m of thick cotton and fleece)
- Hard Base (I went with a 5mm plywood that I got measured and cut at bunnings)
- Sewing Machine
- Thread
- Pins
- Velcro or Buttons (I went with Velcro)

How To Make Cheap Toys and Play Ideas

How to make a fishing pond for your ratties:

I don't know any fur babies that don't enjoy going fishing and a Fishing Pond is extremely easy to put together.

All you need is 5 things:
- A bowl, litter tray, deep dish etc
- Water
- Peas
- Towel
- Fur Babies 🙂

Steps to put it all together:

  • Place down the towel in the area you want to set up your fishing pond,
  • Place your bowl/tray/dish in the middle of the towel and fill halfway with water.
  • Add peas to the water and then add fur babies and watch them go fishing 

I have a few fur babies who don't like to go all the way in but prefer to hang off the side and reach in and then I have other who like it to be a tad deep so they can have a swim while they fish.

How To Make a Rat Wheel

Hey everyone,
A friend of mine has designed some great home made rat wheels, so I asked if I could get some details and pics to share with all of you......
She of course said yes! Yay!
A big thank you to Amy for sharing her wonderfull designs with us 🙂
To check out Amy's web site visit http://truebluerats.weebly.com/
So here they are....

Dear Critterized......

Okie dokies, so as promised, here is my pictorial on how to make your own rat wheel (or mouse wheel if you downsize it a little).
Hope this helps and thank you Critterized for letting me share with everyone
Amy Ro

To make the wheel I used:

- 1 x 11" plastic cake container
- 1 x Wire coat hangar
- 22(approx) x 50mm wall anchors of any width (colours vary with width)
- 1x Paddle Pop stick
- 1 x Roll of electrical tape

You will also need:

- Pliers both for bending and cutting the wire
- Stanley knife or scalpel to cut out holes (alternatively a soldering iron)
- Permanent marker
- A ruler or tape measure
- Pair of scissors