Wooden Peg Santa Sleigh

In Creative Happenings by NUG - SoulLeave a Comment

How To Make A Santa Sleigh Out Of Wooden Pegs

Hey Hey Peoples!

Below you will find a step by step photo tutorial on how to make a santa sleigh out of wooden pegs, along with wooden peg reindeer. I have done my best to make the images as clear as possible, The project is a fiddly one but also very easy to do once you get the hang of it.

All you will need is:
2x Bags of Wooden Pegs (pulled apart)
1x Hot Glue Gun + Glue Sticks
Decorations (googly eyes, pipe cleaners, coloured paper etc.)

I hope you and your family enjoy these Art and Craft tips and ideas 🙂

Please ALWAYS remember that there should always be an adult present for art and craft, especially when children are using scissors and other sharp objects