Basic Breeder and Breeding Info

I have been breeding on and off for many years, but it has only been in the last 10 years that I have started paying attention to genetics and how important it is. I never realised just how much hard work I could be or was undoing by just random breeding, and by not keeping track of my litters or what was going on with them.
Now I'm a bit older and less impulsive lol So I started doing research as to why this colour and that colour produce other colours........ and fell in love with the prospect of genetics and what I can learn and how it can change the way I breed and what I can produce. 

Firstly, I need to state that I have never done any genetics courses (although I would like to) and that all the information about genetics on this page is my interpretation of the research I have done. So please if you see something that needs correcting or more information please feel free to contact me about it 🙂 I'm always happy to learn something new 🙂 

So you are thinking about breeding

The first thing you need to ask your self is...... Why do you want to breed?

Then you need to ask your self the following:
  • What is it about breeding that appeals to you?
  • Are you wanting to breed for extra pocket money?
  • Have you done any research or asked any breeders any questions?
  • Do you have a goal in mind as to what you would like to aim for in your litters?
  • Are you wanting to try and create a line or are you just going to be random breeding?
  • Do you have any homes arranged for your babies to go to when they are old enough to leave their mother?
  • What are you going to do with any rats that you can't find homes for or that can't be sold due to sickness or deformity?
  • Are you prepared to keep paperwork on your litters and any issues that might pop up?
  • If issues do pop up are you prepared to let people know?
  • Are you willing to stop breeding that line or put the time into trying to breed out the issue?
And that is only a few of the questions you need to think about when it comes to breeding lol
If you are wanting to breed for money........ let me stop you right there! There is no money in breeding rats at all!
Unless you are just going to be breeding rats for the sake of breeding and not look after them properly. And if this is the case then people will work it out real fast and you WILL get a bad reputation and then you will be stuck with a heap of babies as no one will want to buy from you, and pet shops will usually only pay $2 a rat if you're lucky. I don't mean to be harsh but there are so many rats in Australia that are sick or carrying deformities and needing homes, without anyone else adding to it.
If you are going to be looking after them properly any money made from selling your rats will be going back into buying food, litter, Vet visits....etc

If you are wanting to breed because you think the babies are so cute............... you are right they are so cute, but this is not a reason to breed! There are a heap of sites/forums that have pics of bubs for you to get your cuteness fix lol and if you get in contact with breeders around you area, I'm sure if you asked them nicely (meaning don't pester them or harass) they might set up a time for you to come and have a look at their babies. Not all breeders will be open to doing it but most will especially if it means one less random litter. And hey you might just fall in love with line breeding and decide to start a rattery 🙂

Unfortunately, a lot of people think that breeding is just putting a female to a male, they do the deed and babies are born and that is it! This not the case (well it is lol but that is just the very very basics of it) there is a lot more involved than that.

If you are serious about getting into breeding do as much research as you can, join forums and ask any question you have. But make sure you have done your research because if you go asking a thousand questions and it is very obvious that you are trying to get other people to do the research for you, you will only irritate people and then they won't want to help you.

Once you have done your research and you know what is involved and you are still wanting to give it all ago, work out what your goal/aim is. The first part of your goal/aim should ALWAYS be happy healthy rats! Then you should try and aim for the colour/markings/coat type you are wanting.

Most breeders like myself don't breed on demand, we breed to reach our goals and if we happen to have a happy healthy litter that we are happy sell to people, then we will offer them to people and the people on the top of the waiting list get first choice then followed by the rest and if there are any bubs left in the litter after the people on the waiting list have chosen then the rest of the litter will get offered to other people who meet the breeder's standards, as in asked the right questions, have a good set up.... etc.
Not all breeders work like this, each has their own set up, ethics and way of doing things. I have just found that this is the most common practice. Since getting more and more into breeding my Rattery ethics and set up has change a lot, and I am the first to admit that I have made quite a few mistakes in the past, as in who I bought from and not doing enough research. I now have a lot of work ahead to try and fix these mistakes, but it is my goal to try.

So how do you get on a wait list? You need to find out what lines breeders are working on and if it is something you are interested in then nicely ask (not pester, harass or demand) if you can be put on their waiting list. Keep in mind that you are probably not the first person to ask and not all litters are available as the breeder is not yet happy to release any yet, so you could be waiting a while, so don't go constantly asking the breeder if they have anything available as you will end up finding yourself at the bottom of the list or not on it at all. If you really want that type of rat, then it is worth waiting for 🙂